picture of windmills constructed with craft supplies and the text “wind-powered city”

Build a Wind-Powered City

Try these instructions to help start your build. What else can you find around your home to complete the city? Share your creations with #ScotchSTEAM on social media.

  • person covering a toilet paper roll with construction paper

    Create the base

    To create the base of your windmill, wrap your toilet paper roll with construction paper and tape along the seam.

  • person holding a fan made of post-it notes

    Build fan blades

    To create your windmill blades, wrap a Post-it® Notes around the end of a toothpick. Repeat three more times to create four blades total. Cut out a circle of thick paper or cardboard slightly larger than a quarter. Have a parent help you pick a toothpick through the center of the circle and near the top of the toilet paper roll. Place the four blades on the circle and attach with tape.

  • constructed windmill with craft supplies

    Attach blade

    Attach the circle with blades on it to your windmill with a paper fastener. Blend the two ends of your paper fastener on the inside of the windmill to secure the blades in place.

  • person making a small cone out of construction paper

    Seal with a roof

    To create a roof, cut out a circle of paper approximately 2.5” wide. Find something round in your house to trace around. Cut towards the center of the circle to create a small slit hald the width of you circle. Place one flap over the other to make a cone shape. Tape the roof together and then attach to the body of your windmill. To finish your sindmill attach some doors and windows!

3 craft project windmills
diagram showing how windmills work

Recommended Supplies

  • toothpicks


  • construction paper and cardboard tubes

    Cardboard tubes and paper

  • washitape with window and door designs

    Scotch® Washi Tape

  • scotch brand kid scissors

    Scotch™ Kids Scissors

  • scotch clip and twist

    Scotch® Clip & Twist Tape Dispenser

  • post-it® notes

    Post-it® Notes

  • scotch® superhold tape

    Scotch® Super-Hold Tape

red plaid